# 纯粹、无打扰的阅读功能
首页:每日更新当日外刊内容。 显示阅读过的书籍和杂志
搜索页面: 可按作者、类型和书名等搜索全库外文书和外刊杂志。
排行榜: 培养阅读习惯,书友们互相激励进步
个人页面:标注过的笔记 (notes), 高亮 (highlight) 过的内容,以及查 (look up) 过的单词,都会统一汇总在个人页面,方便复习巩固。
电子邮箱: [email protected]
更多信息请访问 LAB Reads 网站 https://labhaohao.cn/reads
Homepage: Daily update the content of foreign journals of the day. Show books and magazines read
Search page: You can search the entire library of foreign books and foreign periodicals by author, type and title.
Ranking: Cultivate reading habits, book friends encourage each other to make progress
Personal page: Annotated notes, highlighted content, and look up words will be consolidated on a personal page for easy review and consolidation.
Email: [email protected]
For more information, please visit the LAB Reads website https://labhaohao.cn/reads
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